
Greetings P&A UAW Local 1979 Members!

Whether you participate in a new committee or a well-established one, we hope to build on our collective strength. Please view our local’s standing committees!

ELECTION Committee is called upon to handle all Local Nominations and elected positions.  Some duties include set-up all Local 1979 Elections, conduct elections and make sure that the votes are tabulated and verified. Chairperson-  Doris King
Election Consultant Linda Teasley

UNION LABEL Committee – supports the labor movement by informing and educating members about the products we buy as consumers. This committee helps to emphasize the importance of supporting those goods and services produced by union members under union-won working conditions.Chairperson- Michelle Burns

BUDGET Committee – Members of this committee are responsible for formulating the budget with regard to all local union expenditures.Chairperson- Regina Irby

RETIREES Committee – To encourage the active involvement of our retired membership.  Their wisdom is a valuable asset that we need to access regularly.  This committee also helps to keep our seniors active.Chairperson Vacant

CHAPLAINCY Committee– Our mission is to represent UAW Region 1 members in a manner which reflects our commitment of “Caring in the Workplace” and community. In doing so, we are guided by a spiritual belief that everyone’s purpose is to serve others in a capacity which upholds the principles of Integrity, Honesty, Accountability and Responsibility.Chairperson Sophia Johnson- Parks

CIVIL&HUMAN RIGHTS Committee – is an essential guardian of the “No Discrimination” policy of our Union.  Members of this committee fulfill the local union’s commitment to assure members full rights regardless of religion, race, creed, color, sex, political affiliation, national origin, age, disability, marital status or sexual orientation. Chairperson Vacant 

EDUCATION & RESEARCH Committee – The specific duties of the committee shall be to promote all branches of education affecting the welfare of the individual members. Chairperson Vacant

Research Committee – The specific duties of the committee shall be gather and keep on file information on wages, hours and other conditions of employment and any general information.Chairperson Vacant

Women Committee – works to further the gains of women in the workplace as well as society. This committee informs and educates to broaden the scope of traditional women’s roles. The sisters and brothers on the Women’s Committee encourage women to become active in local, national, and community causes and programs. Chairperson -Vacant

CITIZEN & LEGISLATIVE committee – is the worksite political-legislative arm of the local union and the vital workplace political activator.  Agenda; protecting worker rights, fair trade, new initiatives for working families, health and safety, and other issues that affect working families.Chairperson- Nathan Miller

VETERANS Committee – seeks members who are willing to represent the interest of all active and retired UAW veterans and their families. This committee is dedicated to advocating for the political and social needs of Veterans. Chairperson Vacant

BY-LAW & CONSTITUTION Committee – sets the stage for how the local will function. Members of this committee are responsible for submitting original and or amended bylaws provision to the local union membership for discussion and approval. Chairperson -Wanda Gillespie

COMMUNITY SERVICES Committee – performs the important task of getting help for members and their families in time of need. Chairperson Vacant

CONSUMER AFFAIRS Committee – members believe that the labor movement should monitor the social conscience and performance of companies in order to provide safe and honest products and services. Chairperson Vacant

MONITORING Committee – Monitor the hiring practices within the workplace to ensure that the rules outlined within the Collective Bargaining Agreement and the state laws are being properly applied. Chairperson Vacant 

RECREATION & CONSERVATION Committee – provides a variety of opportunities that fall into two categories. Recreation, which includes leisure time activities, and Conservation, which includes environmental concerns.Chairperson Vacant


If you’re interested in joining a committee; please contact the Union office.